All Good
January 11, 2007 – 10:45 pmI haven’t blogged in a while. That doesn’t mean things are bad. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. Something happened around September, the end of my last trip away for 2006–something good. We just clicked. We went from feeling like strangers in a strange land to feeling like we were home.
It’s weird, I can’t point to anything in particular. It’s just that suddenly it became easier. We had friends, we weren’t unhappy, we were actually enjoying ourselves. At that point we lost the drive we’d had to connect back with the people we’d left behind: Jenine stopped mailing her friends amusing stories, and I stopped blogging.
So I’m afraid this blog is going to become mostly boring work and travel stuff from here on. I’ll still sneak some of the kids and school in, I’m sure, but the drama is largely over. Huzzah!
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