Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Twitter’s Summer Reading List

Thursday, December 21st, 2017

I asked my Twitter friends for recommendations of books to read over Christmas. I said that I've already consumed the new Expanse novel and the new Philip Pullman (intended to indicate that I like that style of sf) and I said I like non-fiction if it's interesting and well-written (e.g., ...

I’m Going on an Adventure

Friday, August 16th, 2013

I caught up with Jesse Robbins at Foo Camp, and he gave me a great line that I remember as being something like: "I'm going on an adventure. The outcome is uncertain, there will be setbacks along the way, so I'll surround myself with good travelling companions." I'm going on a ...

Questioning University

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

There's a trend now to question the value of a university education. It used to be that simply possessing a university degree gained you access to a Better Class of Job. That is no longer the case; now you have access to The Same Class of Unemployment Benefit. ...

Two Upcoming Auckland Gigs

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

Our band has two gigs coming up in Auckland and we'd love to see you there! We play The Thirsty Dog on K Rd on Sunday, and the set is shaping up to be a good 'un: the songs we were playing last year have really bedded down nicely. We ...


Saturday, May 9th, 2009

I've grown a row of beetroot and now I'm nervously wondering what the hell one does with a row of beetroot. I asked on Twitter, and here are the first 90m or so of responses: @annaraven: @nzfi: @vexus_nexus similar effect on no# 2s too - tho don't think it is ...

Business values

Sunday, September 14th, 2008

I had dinner tonight with my friend Cath Lewis, the awesome real estate agent. She told me that her new company felt right because honesty and empathy were at the top of their values. I think most of us aspire to those, but it was lovely to see ...

Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

I found this list on the web and loved it. The ones that particularly rang true with me: 5. Being not truthful always works against me. 8. Drugs feel great in the beginning and become a drag later on. 9. Over time I get used to everything and start taking for granted. 15. ...


Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

I'll be in San Diego for ETech, arriving in San Diego on Sunday and leaving on Thursday. If you'll be around, look me up. I'd love to catch up!

The Eyes Have It

Thursday, January 11th, 2007

About two weeks ago, my uncle Zom got a little carried away with some repairs in the cabin and drove the family fishing boat ("Foam") onto some rocks. Getting it off damaged the propeller and keel, so ten days ago he and I took advantage of the time, tide, ...

All Good

Thursday, January 11th, 2007

I haven't blogged in a while. That doesn't mean things are bad. In fact, it's the complete opposite. Something happened around September, the end of my last trip away for 2006--something good. We just clicked. We went from feeling like strangers in a strange land to ...