
February 23, 2008 – 10:50 pm

I’ve finally got around to moving my blog to WordPress (it’s what geeks do to avoid work). I’m going to see whether a web interface will help me blog more.

The weather’s great, but I’ve been really busy since Kiwi Foo to enjoy it. Occupying my time: Webstock and O’Reilly Radar blogging. I have hopes that I’ll get caught up just in time to go to ETech. My friend Rael and I are hanging out for a day in Los Angeles, catching up on life, then I’ll be in San Diego from Saturday night through Thursday night. If you’ll be there, send me some mail and we’ll catch up.

Kids are good, though could benefit from more Daddy time. Jenine’s been busy as, too, helping to organize the Leigh Carnival. School stuff sorted itself out: only one kid turned up to the Christian club, so I didn’t have to petition after all; kids are moving through the years without much trouble; and I’ve been teaching computer instruction to the kids (more on this in a separate post I hope).

  1. One Response to “Reboot”

  2. Blogging via a web interface is OK, but it’s actually easiest with an excellent tool like Mars Edit from Red Sweater software. Give it a try. Works well with WordPress.

    By Miraz on Feb 28, 2008

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